Practical Information

When: Friday, 10th October 2025 to Monday, 13th October 2025
Where: Begegnungszentrum Rüdlingen, near Zurich and the Swiss/German border (Lake Constance), Switzerland

Location accessible for users of wheelchairs and/or other mobility aids: Yes

Parking spaces for cars available: Yes.
Duration of travel by car from Zurich: 30min
Duration of travel by car from Geneva:
Duration of travel by car from Frankfurt am Main:

Location easily reachable by public transport:
Duration of travel by train / bus from ZRH: 1h - 1:25h

Duration of travel by train / bus from GVA:  4h - 4:25h

Duration of travel by train / bus from FRA: 5:35h - 6:30h

Given enough interest, we are definitely considering a shuttle bus from ZRH.

Nearest airports: ZRH

How many: 20-30 player spots

How long: Check-in Friday, around 3PM/15:00
Check-out Monday, around noon/12:00

Pricing Overview:

  • Standard Ticket: €450
  • Sponsored Ticket: €250
  • Generous Ticket: €500 (The extra €50 supports sponsored tickets and is non-refundable.)

Payment Methods: Paypal or bank transfer.

Payment Options: Instalments available.

Non-Refundable Safety Fee: €50

Casting and Refund Policy:

Casting Details:

  • We aim to cast 20 to 36 candidates, depending on ticket types and safety-flagging considerations.
  • The final cast size will be adjusted based on safety-flagging and the ratio of generous to sponsored tickets.
  • Larger cast sizes help mitigate the impact of potential drop-outs.

Refund Policy:

  • Non-Refundable Fee: The €50 safety fee applies to all ticket types and is non-refundable.
  • Unconditional Refund:
    • For Drop-Outs Between 34 and 26 Participants: If the participant count lies between 34 and 26, drop-outs will receive a refund (minus the €50 fee), regardless of whether a replacement is found.
    • Timing of Refunds: Refunds for full ticket holders (€200 to €400, depending on ticket type) will be processed promptly upon drop-out.
  • Conditional Refund:
    • After Final Cast Size is Reached: If the participant count drops below 26, refunds depend on finding a paying replacement.
    • Refund Processing: If a replacement is found, refunds will be processed after the event, with amounts of €200 to €400, depending on ticket type.
    • Timing of Refunds: Refunds are issued post-event to account for the risk of replacements dropping out or failing to pay.

Note: QuickSandbox LARPs operate on a non-profit basis. We cover costs for the venue, food, props, and provide free admission for NPCs, helpers, videographers, and other support staff. 

Food and Sleep: 

Vegetarian by default. Participants are cooking for themselves with the help of "Chef" NPCs, no professional / outside catering will be provided.

Beautiful hotel beds and bunk beds with pillows and sheets provided. Participants must expect mixed gender bedrooms.

Alcohol: This is a dr larp, (limited) alcohol at after party only. Pretend-drinking and playing on being drunk and is part of the game. Getting intoxicated irl during game time, is not.

What you need to bring:

Your character's costume, which should involve their everyday attire with combination and/or layering options to signify 10 days going by, and one fancy outfit for reveals.

The Anchor Token: One item, the anchor token, that belongs to your character and will help you stay in character during scenes where you don't get physical feedback from someone else. This can be a piece of jewelry or clothing, a photo, a childhood toy, etc etc. The anchor token must entirely belong to the character and shouldn't reflect anything about your off game self.

The Team

Quicksandbox is an independent, small larp designer based in Zurich, Switzerland.
Some of our other projects include STAY and Burn Bright Young Thing

At the moment, there are no additional team members on board working on Listen 2 Your Heart and Really Listen 2 Your Heart. As soon as that changes, they will be listed accordingly and appropriately here.

Quicksandbox (QSB) is run and operated by JD Lade (they/them/none), a Swiss/international larp designer (German and English), and vocal advocate for safety-flagging in larp. JD is responsible for curating and coordinating all projects. For specific projects, additional freelance writers, designers, and consultants may be brought on board. However, these team members contribute only to their designated tasks and do not represent QSB beyond that scope. Official communications from Quicksandbox will always come directly from JD.

QSB is dedicated to humanising larp organiser teams, larp design, and the work involved. Its communication might sometimes be more emotional than one might expect from a typical "professional" organisation. QSB cherishes its close-knit community of around 500-700 international larpers and fellow designers and strives to be genuinely human in all its interactions. As a queer-driven venture, QSB caters specifically to a queer-focused and neurodivergent-inclusive audience and experience. 

For more information and hype, join our overall Discord server and/or the Facebook group:

Click HERE to read more about the themes and vibes of the larp to find out if this is for you!

Signup and Flagging


The signup form opens Sunday 30th June, and closes Sunday 14th July 2024, 23:59 CEST (Berlin, Germany, time)


There will be two different levels of flagging for this larp.

Level 1: Pre Casting
As soon as signups are through, all potential participants are given access to the list of who signed up. We are asking everyone to disclose the names they are actually known under. Signing up under an obscure nickname, or your clear name you never use anymore so people won't recognize who you are, will not get you in.

The first level of flagging will take a few days and have the following categories:
Yellow: I do not wish to engage in play with this person, but am okay with them being at the larp. If we are in the same group, I probably will avoid playing with them.
Orange: I do not wish to be at the same larp as this person for reasons of personal dislikes. If this person receives a spot, I do not want one.
Red: This person is potentially harmful in one of these two ways:

  • Possibly intentionally breaking / bending in and off game rules, refusal to listen to org / crew, disruptive behaviour that might disturb the game
  • Possibly bringing harm to other participants or crew by unsafe behaviour in and off game

As described above, flags may be investigated by org. We do not disclose who flagged whom which color, to anyone. However, unless there are very shady businesses going on, we believe that seeing the signup list should give everyone enough insight into who might flag them. We as an org refuse to take responsibility for someone potentially guessing or finding out who flagged whom by power of deduction. We can only promise that it won't be through us.

Level 2: After Casting - In Game Flag
As soon as casting / spot allocation is through, there will be a second round of flagging. Spots will be allocated with the following two criteria in mind:

  • The target budget has to be covered, there can only be as many discounted tickets as there are generous tickets to cover them.
  • Larpers who, on average, do less events a year, or for whom this would be their first larp, will be prioritised.

Apart from these two, the spot allocation will be a luck-of-the-draw type of deal. There will be dice involved, should there be more signups than spots.

The second level of flagging serves the purpose of splitting the pool of cast larpers and their characters into two groups. Their own group will serve as kind of a substitute family during the larp, but they are also rivals in love. Unlike in Love Is Blind on Netflix, candidates in Listen 2 Your Heart are not divided by gender.

The "other group" is the group whose members you will date and among which you want to find a match to then marry.

Participants will have a few more days to flag the cast members using the following colors:
Green: I want to date this person's character. Please put us in opposite groups.
Yellow: I do not wish to date this person's character. Please put us in the same group.

If relevant, yellow flags will outweigh green flags in group allocation.

Click HERE to read more about the themes and vibes of the larp to find out if this is for you!

Schedule and duration

We will stay at the venue for 4 nights.
Check-In: THURSDAY between 13:00 and 15:00 local time, that is between 1 and 3 PM.
Check-Out: MONDAY anytime before noon, that's 12 PM.

After check-in, you can go to your rooms, put down the luggage, bounce on the bed (a bit!). You may also help with some decorating or setup if you want to, depending on when you arrive.
We will not provide lunch on Thursday, but we will help you with food runs to the local store if necessary.

Around 17:00 / 5 PM, there will be some mandatory workshopping to build a shared understanding of how to use the tools (metatechniques, calibration, safewords), and for the tone of the overall game.
There will be dinner during / slightly after workshops.

We will go in game on Thursday night, playing the first get-together within the groups, and also start with some speed dates right away.

There will not be play during the night, we will call it quits officially around midnight (may vary).
Friday and Saturday will be very similar. We will have a short workshop / excercise about the accelerated time design; Your characters are living through two weeks while in real life, we are spending three days. There will be a quick reminder about the established tools and rules and how to employ them.

Then we go in game. You may have your breakfast in character, it is part of social play. There are many, many dates of varying duration on Friday and Saturday. But one thing always stays the same:
You can't see each other. You will be talking to each other through a thin wall. The only people you can see and physically interact with are Production Staff and your fellow group members.

Sunday will start similar and there will be dates before lunch. But then, things change. Proposal day is upon us.

Marriage proposals will be allowed to happen from a certain point on Sunday afternoon. Then, reveals will happen.

Around 19:00, 7PM on Sunday, there will be an off game break that is to be used for calibration of what is to come: The mingling.

Calibrate with everyone involved in your story what happened after the reveals when everybody was back in their groups for one last night, and how to go forward.

After the break, we mingle. Everyone gets to party with everyone. Some people might regret their decisions then and there. Some people might not want to give up, even though the person they fell in love with chose someone else.

After that, one last choice.

And scene.

Click HERE to read more about the themes and vibes of the larp to find out if this is for you!

Characters and relations

Characters will be made in a co creation effort between the players and org. In the signup form, there is an extensive section asking about preferences concerning character contents.
We ask players to remain open minded, even if they have some ideas of what they want to play. They might not exactly get what they put in, but we will do our best to grant wishes and validate ideas.
Players will be asked to choose their character's gender identity. This choice will, of course, be respected 100%.

The character briefs will be about 1.5 to 2 pages long and contain inspirational texts about the character's job, family background, character traits, previous relationships, experiences with TV Shows, and what they are looking for on this show.
Players are allowed to change, adjust, leave out or improve everything about their character sheets within the general rules of the game. Meaning, they are allowed to change e.g. their character's past experiences, but they are not allowed to add e.g. sexual assault to their background story, since that is against the general rules of content of the larp.
Players will be given a first name for their character and will have to choose a surname themselves. If players are unhappy with their character's name, they may change it together with org. The names are relevant for several lists in the background, and there will be character name tags, which is why we need to know if you want a different name.

All characters have auditioned, and been extensively vetted, to be on this TV Show. They want to be on TV.
Nobody is forcing them into the experience, and they have been specifically chosen as a candidate.
Yes, characters may be naive as to what being on reality TV really means and what kinds of struggles they will have to face.
They may have bitten off more than they can chew.
Production may try to manipulate them and push them to dramatic, emotional limits.
The larp is not about breaking the show or rebelling against production. Players are asked to portray their characters accordingly.

Yes, characters are looking for love, to varying degrees of seriousness.
Yes, they consented to possibly signing a marriage certificate at the end and be legally married.
Yes, they aren't well-established influencers only looking for clout.

The characters will be designed to want to be on TV, and also, at the same time, find a spouse. They might fall in love. They might have fights, drama, they might cry. They might be rejected or dumped in the last possible moment. And they know that, to varying degrees of awareness.

Their feelings will be real and deep, probably heightened by the environment, but still, real. But they know that they might not find a spouse and get reality TV infamy instead.

All characters are at least open to have romantic experiences with individuals of more than one gender identity or gender expression.
Gender distribution between the two groups will be as balanced as possible, taking into account off game wishes (flagging).
Characters may be played as asexual. If players wish to portray a character on the ace spectrum, that is absolutely allowed. Sexual attraction is not a prerequisite for this dating show, and asexuality is part of queer experience.
Characters may not be played as polyamorous or ambiamorous (meaning being okay with mono or polyam relationships more or less equally). All characters are monoamorous. None of the characters are polyam, or wish for a polyam relationship.
This is a hard rule of the larp, because it is part of the design to face hard romantic choices and not run away from them and sneak out of them by choosing a polyam solution for being interested in several people.
Also, characters will be designed to be dramatic and not the best, or healthiest, of communicators. Going the polyam way is not an option for them.

In general, none of the characters know each other before they come on set. There are no relations such as being cousins, siblings, or best friends.
However, players will be encouraged to engage in some chatting via Discord before the larp and let the characters within the same groups get to know each other.
This is going to be optional, but highly encouraged.
Some characters are going to be somewhat famous. However, no characters are going to be known in a way that the person on the other side of the wall knows what they look like from hearing and recognizing their voice.
It is allowed and encouraged to play up your own group mates' fame: "Oh I've read all your books!" / "I am a fan of the sports club you play for!", etc.

There will be no pre designed relations between the characters who date each other. They do not know each other before and have never met.
Players will have the opportunity to "green flag" other players to make sure they are in opposite groups.
However, we do not wish to see entire plot lines already laid out before the game, guaranteeing characters to get together.
It is part of the experience that some, if not most, characters do not end up as a part of a couple and we want players to be open for that.
We want players to create intense, dramatic, engaging stories together that will be aired on a streaming platform and enjoyed by an audience of millions. It is not a larp about being guaranteed to find a spouse. It is a larp where characters might go into the experience with the intention of going on more shows later and garnering Reality TV fame.

There is also no way for org / casting to guarantee a match for everyone. All we can do is encourage players to remain open for the experience and some highly dramatic twists and turns.

Click HERE to read more about the themes and vibes of the larp to find out if this is for you!